Today was stream/waterfall day. We got a late start after running some errands this morning. We were at a stall point right off the bat, nothing seemed to flow, literally. Robin and I just stared at the stream bed and I decided to run water while we pondered what to do next. Things started coming together and after a trip to the hardware, we were laying down rocks!

We have achieved the sound we are looking for, the look will be awhile yet.

We have a T in our water line right now, so the volume of water being supplied to the upper tier and lower waterfall is split. We are going to get an additional pump, then it will be the volume of water coming from the top that we are looking for and more volume in the waterfall above.

View from the top.

Not bad, so far, still
alot of tinkering to do. We will hide the water line with small rocks and eventually moss will grow in and help hide the liner. We have many more small rocks waiting to be added, but we ran out of time today. I had two things to get done before dark, get the potatoes and onions planted and go fishing with my son. With a little hustle we got it done and got our planned fishing trip in. The bail of hay we got from a local farm was so huge, we covered the planted area and the rest of the garden, and still had plenty for the hay loft. I like to think the barn is glad to have hay back in the loft.
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